Hello there, Carl VanderLaan speaking. I firmly believe in transparency on the web, which is why I want to inform you that certain products and links featured on this website may result in earning an affiliate commission when you make a purchase. The purpose of this blog is to provide valuable education about the opportunities available to bloggers in various fields. However, please understand that I am running this website as a for-profit business, and I encourage you to do the same with your own site, unless you have philanthropic intentions.
Due to the considerable growth of this site, it’s impractical to individually list every program with which I have an affiliate agreement. Consequently, it’s best to assume that any links directing you to products or services are affiliate links that may result in compensation. Nevertheless, there are countless products and services on the internet related to blogging and making money online. I only endorse products or services that I have thoroughly researched and genuinely believe will provide value to you. Notable examples include the banners for Hospitable, Turno, and Pricelabs.
Furthermore, this website participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising initiative designed to allow websites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.com.
Please note that I have not received any complimentary products, services, or any other benefits from these companies in exchange for featuring them on this site. The sole consideration I receive is in the form of affiliate commissions or compensation as an advisor for a select few companies.
If you have any inquiries regarding the above information, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the contact page accessible through the menu above.
Best wishes and good luck!
Carl VanderLaan